
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Camp Fairfield, Knoxville TN

This has been a richly rewarding day for both of us. Anytime you can weave your way through several million trucks, maintain highway speeds, and make virtually every comfort stop without a mishap, you've had a richly rewarding day.

We're currently at Camp Fairfield, on Cracker Barrel Lane, so you know where we'll be dining tonight.

Judy is currently watching golf, I'm updating the blog and bringing my fluid level back into balance.

The Coach ran like a deer. The photo shows Judy giving it a loving hug. We're approaching 80,000 miles on this rig, so hugging is a good idea. Thank you Chevy for a great ride. Thank you Roadtrek.

Fuel today came to something under $100. Current price $3.15 in TN. We refueled at $3.38 before leaving VI. This was a miscalculation. Travel Tip: refuel in TN.

Mileage today about 450 miles. Judy drove more than her fair share as a penalty for saying yesterday that I was not calling on her enough. Tomorrow may well be different.

Speed limit here for trucks is 55 mph in TN. This is apparently just as guideline.

Good things about today worth noting: Verizon. No need to ever be disconnected.

Started the day in jeans, finished in shorts waiting for things to cool down, and game one of the World Series.

PS. Roast Beef dinner at CB, $20. No dishes, excellent dinner.