
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Welcome Home AZ 2015

My friend, Joe Szegeti and his wife Julie Bach, have just returned from a motorcycle ride that took him and about 70 other Kingston riders from Calgary, AB, to Tombstone, AZ in September 2015. I gave Joe some postcards to mail back over their trip, which he did, and I so enjoyed the adventure that I've decided to share my Arizona adventures with him, and all those who follow this blog.

It's raining tonight in Mesa, and I'm watching one of my favorite TV channels, PBS (there are no commercials). I'm tired from a day in the sun, and PBS is just fine. I am not at the Halloween dance, which is what happens when Judy is not here. Dances are out. My choice.

Watching a restaurant review show on PBS, I have tuned in on a restaurant, Aloha Kitchen here in Mesa, which I want to visit with my friends, Lee and Colleen Loveridge.

Lee and Coleen live here in Valle del Oro (during the winter months), and we've been friends forever. They are from White Rock, B.C.

They owned a place in Hawaii, which we visited, and Aloha Kitchen sounds like a step back to those good old days in Hawaii. If it wasn't for PBS, how would I know about this place?

This is day three on return to Mesa. It was all about scrubbing down the 5th Wheel, and setting up for the winter. Washing a 5th Wheel is like bathing an elephant. You can hire out the work, or do it yourself. I enjoy the experience, so I start at the top, and work myself down. It was partly overcast earlier, and there was no wind, perfect day for this job. $200 saved. And, I've got a good idea how the skin on this rig is faring, and what if anything needs to be done.

The 5th Wheel lives here in AZ, and spends about six months each year under covered storage. Aside from dust, it is protected from the most damaging elements of heat and sun over the extremely hot summer months. Since we don't own a truck, we depend on Harvey to get it back and forth from storage. Easy enough, and Harvey knows how to back a trailer.

This is day three, and yesterday was about setting up, and watching the World Series. It was also about stocking up on cheap California wine, and a visit to AJ's for lunch. Since I'm mostly into health foods, I settled on a brat with sauerkraut, chips (the bag type) and another side, which I can't remember. I also secured Mexican meatballs soup and sourdough bread for later. Since Judy will follow later in the month, this is my opportunity to lose some weight and gain some control over what I eat.

The days of driving to Arizona are behind us, so Air Canada got me here on Tuesday. It was a great trip: Kingston - Toronto - Phoenix. Got up at 4 am (Kingston time), and arrived here in Phoenix around 10 am (in October there is a three hour time difference). Lee picked me up from the airport, and I took him to Paradise for lunch. The weather was wonderful and warm, approaching 90 F, time for shorts and a T-shirt.